Floral Jam 2025

Just here to register? Scroll down for the online registration button.


First time at a Suncrest weekend retreat? Here’s what to expect.
From Friday evening to Sunday morning, campers will have an awesome time with both old or new friends. From big crazy games unlike anything you could experience elsewhere to conversations around a bonfire, there are plenty of chances to have a fun-filled weekend that you’ll remember for years!

During both worship services and cabin times, youth will learn about the one true God who created them, loves them, and sent His son Jesus so that they may be saved.

Friday, May 16th - May 18th
Friday Drop-Off is from 6:30-7:00 PM.
Pick-Up is Sunday at 12:30 PM.
Both drop-off/pick-up are in The Tab, the big gray building you’ll see when you pull into camp.

Floral Jam is for youth in Grades 6th - 12th.
Cost: $75

reminders for parents

  • Please have your child eat dinner before arriving, as no dinner will be provided Friday night.

  • Please let us know if you will be dropping your child off after the above drop-off time. You can email us at suncrestyouthcamps@gmail.com.

Camp Directors

Tyler PUhariC

Tyler currently serves as the Assistant Pastor at Girard Alliance Church, with the main focus being youth and young adults. Tyler also currently serves as the President of Suncrest Camp!

He and his wife, Amy, have grown up going to camp and have seen God, do many things in their own lives as well as the lives of many others at Suncrest. They added a new addition to their family in November welcoming their daughter, Hayden Claire, to the world! In his free time Tyler loves spending time with his family, playing games, and eating good pizza!

lauryn Guild

Lauryn Guild is from Girard, PA, and has been working/counseling at Suncrest since the fall of 2021! In the past couple of years, Lauryn has been called to become a missionary. So, this fall she will be going to Missio College to major in missions! Her hobbies include laughing, lifting, being out side, and clowning around! Lauryn is excited to be a director, and to see how God is going to change lives at Floral Jam 2025!

blake Fillinger

Blake Fillinger is 24, and just got married to Danielle Fillinger in November 2024. He has lived in the same house all his life, and graduated from Beaver Falls High School. While Blake went to college for psychology, God has called him out of that, and into ministry school. Since completing schooling for ministry in 2024, Blake is now searching for a ministry position. Blake has been going to Suncrest Camp for 15 years as a student, counselor, worker, and now as a director. Suncrest Camp is the place where he accepted Christ into his life and he has been following Him for 6 years.

Camp Speaker

DaviD J. hardie

David J. Hardie is a big, bearded, full time youth evangelist who travels the world inspiring teenagers and creating some awesome T-Shirts designs (which he draws by hand) that he sells at large events. He is a grizzled veteran of youth ministry, having logged over 20 years as a frontline, full time youth pastor. If you paid David ten million dollars and told him that he could do whatever he wanted for the rest of his life, he'd spend the remainder of his days speaking at youth retreats and events!

Worship Music led by:

Jayla Duffrin

Jayla Duffrin and is from Erie, PA, and has been involved at Suncrest Camp since the fall of 2021! She is currently a sophomore nursing major at Malone University, and does STUNT. In her free time she loves to lift, read, play music, and spend time with friends. Jayla is looking forward to serving on the worship team this Floral Jam! She can’t wait to watch the Lord move!

Here’s what you’ll need to pack for Floral Jam.

  • Bible/Notebook

    • We keep some free Bibles on hand, so please let us know if you don’t have one.

  • Clothes and shoes that you can run around in

    • Be prepared for different weather conditions, including wet grounds at camp, and colder cabins at night.

  • Bedding for Twin Mattress (Sheets/Blankets/Sleeping Bag) and Pillow

  • Toiletries and Bath Towel

  • Cash for Snack Shack (Optional)

    • Will only be open on Saturday night.

    • Items are $1-$3 range.

  • Prescription Medications

    • Please put in a Ziploc bag, and label with camper name.

    • For everyone’s safety, students are not allowed to keep their own prescriptions, but can have access to medicine(s) throughout the day with adult supervision.

  • Reusable Water Bottle

    • If possible, please put camper’s name on the water bottle.

    • The camp has some extra bottles if someone forgets, but please plan on bringing one due to limited supplies.

  • Umbrella

  • Note about Weather Conditions:

    • Please be aware that Suncrest does not have heating. This is not a problem for us, but please be prepared. Please pack extra socks, sweatpants, hoodie, shoes - just in case anything gets wet.

New to Suncrest, or new to weekend retreats?
Here’s a few things you need to know.

  • It can get cold at night.
    As this is retreat is in the second half of May, weather will hopefully be pretty nice. However, please keep in mind that we have no heated facilities at Suncrest Camp. This is not a problem for us at camp, we just want people to come prepared. We recommend packing an extra blanket, extra hoodie, and an extra pair of shoes in case one pair gets wet.

  • You can arrive late if you have after-school activities.
    Registration/drop off is officially 6:30-7:00pm, but we often have campers with after-school commitments. If you have to get to the camp late Friday night, or Saturday morning, that’s fine! If you have a Saturday or Sunday commitment, those can be accommodated, too. Just let us know so we can plan accordingly! Please email us at suncrestyouthcamps@gmail.com if you plan on coming late.

  • Youngest & oldest campers are not in the same cabins.
    Our camp events have been open to both junior high & senior high students for years now, with combined age groups. The way we facilitate this is by splitting the campers into different cabins based on different age tiers, with counselors assigned to the age groups they’re best suited for. So, 6th-graders & 12th-graders alike can have age-appropriate cabin time discussions.

  • We accept walk-on registrations.
    If you know for sure that you’re coming, we recommend that you sign up, ASAP! (Sign-up BEFORE April 30th to guarantee that you get a Floral Jam shirt!) However, we also do accept walk-ons. So, if you find out last minute that you can come, then, come on out! And, don’t stop inviting your friends until you’re at Floral Jam yourself!


Click the button below to sign up for Floral Jam! You’ll be taken to Tithe.ly, our online registration service.

If you have any issues with registering, please send an email to suncrestyouthcamps@gmail.com